Random person: Oh, so what do you actually do?
Me, trying to keep it brief: Oh, not much, really. I make stuff*.
*Stuff: including but not limited to bespoke high fantasy costuming, low fantasy costuming, gala dresses, wedding gowns, face masks for frontline workers, most of my own pattern making and sewing, beaded jewelry, snappy one liners, too much beadwork on things, bend Adobe™ Illustrator to my will, do touch ups with Photoshop™, hand embroidery even though I swore I would never do that again, create and digitize custom machine embroidery patterns, collect all sorts of things to work with in natural dye experiments, make most of my own clothes, mouthwatering cookies, have a really good eye for color, do digital art with ProCreate, dabble in watercolors, make custom fit corsets, and somehow manage to not kill plants.
Oh, and know way too much trivia about sports team logos and chickens.

2018 - BFA graduation from the Fashion Institute of Technology Cum Laude
2018 - Certificate of Excellence for Design Excellence
(Thesis Presentation)
2016 - AAS Graduation from the Fashion Institute of Technology Summa Cum Laude
2014- Alexander Medal recipient
2012-2014- DesignPrep Scholar with the Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Museum of Design